
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Why Cardio has more importance than Strength Training

So you want to have a body like Brad Pitt; you imagine how perfect & attractive you will look with the latest dresses available today combined with your good body; when you go outside your house, how other people will look at you with awe & you'll feel pride of your body. Or you're a middle aged man & are too busy with your job but don't have the time to exercise even though you're very well aware of benefits of exercise. Also though knowing the benefits of exercise, you don't know which form of exercise is good for you: Cardio or Strength training.

First of all I'd like to tell what a normal working man expects from doing a exercise. A normal man wants to have a "little above average fitness level". He wants to exercise because it will keep away common diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases etc. Above average physical health would support other areas of life like his work. If he is just starting to gain weight, exercise will help to keep the weight in check. This is also what I aim for when doing exercises.

Previously I had been a strength trainer & benefited a lot from it & I liked it. But recently in a year or so after taking on jogging, running & also learning from various resources, I've come to know few benefits of cardio exercises.

Long Term Great Benefits

I always wonder, for doing long projects in job of ranging from 2-3 months, how much it will be beneficial to have a great endurance mentally & physically, ability to manage stress for a long time during big projects, being focused for long duration of time & how building endurance, managing physical mental stress in jogging would help my work life because of the relation between the physical health & our working ability. Especially as I grow older, I'll be able to work with same agility as I'm working now.

With age our bone weakens & becomes softer causing osteoporosis making it vulnerable to fractures. With age fluid between the joints reduces hampering the free bone motion causing arthritis. Jogging & running makes our bones stronger so that we can freely go from place to place for anything. Also we'll not need help of stick for support.

Also I've mentioned above some diseases that have very-very high chance of occurring in the old age that can be very well prevented by jogging & running.

Enhances Mood

If jogging, running is done in parks with lot of greenery, research has shown that throughout the day we try to put more energy to work thus getting more out of our work & also enhances our mood twice compared to doing exercises which are done indoors like gym.

Jogging outside is a natural way of getting Vitamin D as well.

Other Benefits

  • We get encouraged by challenges & attractive things. Running in a 5 K or a 10 K race can be a good way of developing our challenging attitude along with benefiting our cardiovascular health.
  • If you want to go above average natural fitness like you want to build stamina or want to loose weight you can transform jogging to HIIT or running.
  • Keeping changing places to jog helps to know a new location if you jog there for a  few times & adds new experiences to life making you feel live longer.
  • Cardio can be done in 30 min 4 times of a week when done using HIIT. Whereas strength training may take daily 1-2 hrs 5 times a week
  • Jogging, running doesn't cost much. The only thing you will need to buy is a good running shoes & an sports dress.

Even though strength training is not as important as cardiovascular training but its still important. It helps to have a standard normal strength. So I also do little bit of dips like 3 sets of 40, 35 & 30 each.


Suggested Reading

  1. When you've decided to start jogging, there are some lessons I've learned while doing a thing for the first time. Here are a few things you can expect while starting jogging.
  2. Here are a few simple & basic skills for doing jogging in the best possible way.
  3. Time is no longer an issue for jogging. Here is an article which will perfectly guide you to what time is best for you to jog.

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