Greg is jogging. He has the feeling of hard work, is comfortable & knows he is going to benefit from jogging. He has been jogging for a while & has built some kind of routine around it. He has a inner proud about it. Then suddenly a machine, a human machine passes by, he is energetic, he is like a arrow piercing the wind. While Greg is jogging, with every passing second he sees the human machine getting farther away. The moment fill Greg's mind with different thoughts: "Is he trying to compete with me? It's rude", "If I practice more, I can easily pin him down. But there is no need of me doing all that". He sees the same thing happen for few days & begins to think, "he may be doing good but with that intensity it's difficult to sustain, he's surely getting tired soon, he's is surely getting injured soon, I'm doing jogging for the weight loss & I'm jogging the right way, If he doesn't get tired soon, maybe he is talented from birth. I need to do things my way". Greg will try to ignore it as if ignoring it will shadow the evidence. Greg may think, "I'm doing as per planned & it has shown results (which are mediocre result) & won't do this new thing." What is Greg doing here? He's surely jogging & made progress; but what happens when a pro jogger leaves him behind. In his mind he questions pro jogger, he even self-doubt's his ability. I don't see Greg wanting to be open to pro jogger's ideas. Sometimes we're jogging & find some problem. We think that's the price we need to pay for jogging. But not every problem we face is a price for success. They are just the problems which need to be dealt with in a different way. Where does this different way come from? It comes from a pro jogger. I remember when I started jogging, I sweated lot & the sweat which passed by my eyes caused irritation & caused distraction. I thought that's the way it is; nothing could be done about it. Then one morning I saw a person wearing a 'sweat head band'. My eyes opened up. I saw with the use of head band, I can save myself from irritation & distraction that it causes. I was open for something better; I was open for improvement. It's a property of a Hero, "He Always Finds A Solution." The strategy that work for pro, even if it's not working for you, you can be assured, beyond any shadow of doubt that the strategy is Going To Work. It has worked before for pro, it'll work for me too, just need to do few tweaks to suit me. You learn to have a belief, an unshakable belief & then the ability to bounce back. There are a few advantages of making a friendship with a pro. They make you push a little outside your comfort zone which is essential for getting to the next level. Their high energy rubs on you. With you learning more & more from pros, the negative people have no to little impact on your jogging goals. When you see a pro jogging, you see & realize that it's possible to train body at never seen higher levels & get unbelievable results in the way. You find yourself saying, "There is a new level to what I'm doing." Pros set fitness goals for themselves & their goals aren't normal. They set themselves goals which seem tantalizing or even impossibly out of reach. Setting seemingly unattainable goals helps in 2 ways. One, you'll see the things in a new way, in a way never seen before. Second, you'll look for new more powerful ways to achieve those goals; This is a good formula to get very good results for oneself. And when you achieve those goals you set a benchmark for other people in your family & other people close to you. Pros have very long term goals which are further divided into short term goals. So now we try to progress by winning these mini goals & ultimately getting our long term goals. With learning from pros sets a learning attitude in oneself. We not only try to progress with our own ideas but combine them with others best ideas for our progress. After progressed to a certain level, we try to pass our knowledge to other new people who are just set for jogging. We develop a Learning-Teaching attitude which in a way makes the world a better place to live in. After internalizing all these things Greg realizes that he has seen A Hero & is on the path to become one. He now benefits from the synergy of his own mind & the mind of a pro.
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